B. Telemental Health Updates and DEA Rules

There is a significant shortage of psychiatrists and, in particular, addiction psychiatrists in the rural areas of Maryland. In recent years Telemedicine technology such as video conferencing has been successful in extending care to these underserved areas. This workshop will describe innovative tele-programs that are being designed and delivered in rural areas of our state. They include direct patient care to patients with substance use disorders and consultation to primary care providers that are treating these patients. Specific programs at the Wells House in Hagerstown, the Health Department in Caroline County, and programs in several rural county jails will be described

Eric Weintraub, MD

Professor of Psychiatry

UMD School of Medicine

Eric Weintraub, MD, is a Professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Medical System, Department of Psychiatry. He serves as the Medical Director of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program (ADAP), the University of Maryland Medical Center’s (UMMC) Psychiatric Emergency Services (PES), and UMMC’s Psychiatric Admission and Referral Center (PARC).

Heather Eshleman (Moderator)