D. Peer Taught Cannabis Prevention Program

PreventEd will share details on the development, implementation, and evaluation of a peer taught cannabis prevention program. This curriculum was designed to engage Junior and Seniors at a local high school to facilitate the lessons with their Freshman and Sophomore peers. In prevention efforts, the messenger is often just as important as the message. By empowering young people to be leaders, they have the ability to gain a deeper understanding of the prevention information and the lesson is better received by their peers. This curriculum is implemented in a 3-lesson series that provides up-to-date facts on the changing landscape of cannabis in MO and across the U.S. In a randomized control trial, results have recently shown that there are several outcomes with statistically significant results. The outcomes of the program will be discussed in the presentation, along with lessons learned and ongoing efforts to enhance the program.

Emma Wilson

Prevention Educator

PreventEd, St. Louis, MO

Emma Wilson completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Missouri- Columbia in December 2021. Through the same institution, Emma is currently pursuing a Master’s in Public Health. As a student, she became interested in the opioid crisis, and this interest spread into substance use prevention. In January of 2022, Emma entered the field and began working for PreventEd as a Prevention Educator; she has spent the last year in St. Louis area schools educating students of all ages.

Tiffinee Scott (Moderator)
