E. Sports Betting: Recognizing the Risks and Reducing the Harms

Sports betting has proliferating throughout the United States and into Maryland in recent years and has become a $200 billion world-wide business. Along with bringing revenues into state governments, sports betting is also contributing to gambling addiction and harms related to gambling for individuals and families. This workshop will describe the nature and scope of sports betting and problematic sports betting. We will also explore co-occurring risk factors such as substance use disorders and impulsiveness. We will consider awareness, prevention and intervention strategies to mitigate the harms related to sports betting.


Associate Professor

University of Maryland and Special Projects Coordinator with the Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling

Dr. Rugle brings 39 years of experience in the field of problem and responsible gambling including treatment, prevention, research and responsible gambling work.   She has managed problem gambling programs within the Veterans Administration, in the private sector and within state systems.   She has provided consultation and training on gambling disorder throughout the United States, for the military and internationally.  She is currently Associate Professor at the University of Maryland and Special Projects Coordinator with the Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling after previously serving as the Center’s Director for several years.

Mary Drexler (Moderator)

Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling


E. Sports Betting: Recognizing the Risks and Reducing the Harms
Sports betting has proliferating throughout the United States and into Maryland in recent years and has become a $200 billion world-wide business. Along with bringing revenues into state governments, sports betting is also contributing to gambling addiction and harms related to gambling for individuals and families. This workshop will describe the nature and scope of sports betting and problematic sports betting. We will also explore co-occurring risk factors such as substance use disorders and impulsiveness. We will consider awareness, prevention and intervention strategies to mitigate the harms related to sports betting. Live event: 10/12/2023 at 1:40 PM (EDT) You must register to access.