G. EAPs and Employee Wellness Programs: A Good Marriage?

Employee well-being continues to be a much talked about issue in today’s workplaces. EAPs and Employee Wellness Programs share that overall goal. . This workshop will explore the history of workplace employee wellness programs and their goals. We will define and explain the differences between primary, secondary and tertiary prevention as they apply to EAPs and Employee Wellness Programs. Does it make sense for EAPs and Employee Wellness Programs to be closer linked? What is the benefit to the employee and their family members? What does the future hold? Come join us to learn, to engage and discuss.

Janice Zimmerman, LCSW-C, CEAP, SAP

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Counselor

Baltimore County Public Schools

Janice is a clinical social worker and EAP professional by education and work experience.  Her career includes 20+ years in the EAP field, most recently as the EAP counselor for Baltimore County Public Schools and 17 years in child welfare (social services) agencies.  Add to that some time in home health, March of Dimes, and a food bank. Her work has taken her from Pennsylvania to Virginia Beach/Norfolk Virginia and finally to Baltimore County Maryland.  She is happy to continue her work in the EAP field in providing a variety of mental health and wellness trainings to employees of companies throughout the United States.   She really likes learning about new (to her) companies and organizations and their employees.  

Claire Fultz (Moderator)
