Plenary 2: Improving Outcomes to Treatment for OUD in the Black Community

Aliya Jones, MD, MBA, Executive Medical Director of Behavioral Health Services, Luminis Health

Opioid overdose deaths have continued to increase disproportionately in the Black community in Maryland, as it has across the nation. Dr. Jones’ plenary will take a critical look at more targeted approaches to slow down the rate of increase in opioid overdose deaths, thereby decreasing the growing disparity.

Aliya Jones, MD, MBA

Executive Medical Director of Behavioral Health Services

Luminis Health

Dr. Jones recently chaired the Racial Disparities in Overdose Task Force for the State of Maryland Interagency Heroin and Opioid Coordinating Council. The task force was composed of state government representatives, non-profit organizations, and various advocacy groups. The Task Force was charged  with identifying programs and policies that would eliminate the growing disparity in opioid deaths among the Black community.

Nancy Rosen-Cohen, PhD (Moderator)

Executive Director


Nancy Rosen-Cohen is an executive management professional with substantial experience in health care reform. Strategic thinker with proven track record and over 30 years of experience in program management, advocacy, and successful fundraising, securing national corporate partnerships, foundation support.  She is the Executive Director at the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Maryland.