Plenary 4: Undoing Drugs - How Harm Reduction is Changing the Future of Drugs and Addiction

Maia Szalavitz, Neuroscience journalist; author, Undoing Drugs: the Untold Story of Harm Reduction and the Future of Addiction; Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary Way of Understanding Addiction

Undoing Drugs is the first history of the harm reduction movement, which offers a fresh and compassionate alternative to the war on drugs. Developed and championed by an outcast group of people who use drugs, former users, researchers and public health geeks, harm reduction is a policy transformation that both saves lives and illustrates the enormous power of kindness.

Maia Szalavitz

Neuroscience Journalist, New York, NY

Author: Undoing Drugs

Maia Szalavitz is the author, most recently, of Undoing Drugs:  The Untold Story of Harm Reduction and the Future of Addiction. Her previous New York Times bestseller, Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding Addiction wove together neuroscience and social science with her personal experience of heroin addiction.  It won the 2018 media award from the National Institute on Drug A, MD, MBAbuse.

Rob White, LCPC (Moderator)

Chairman, Director External Affairs and Business Development

University of Maryland, Baltimore Department of Psychiatry